(In case you're curious, I stumbled upon this Yahoo Answers article while fact checking a moment in a student's story. Yes, fiction workshop makes me want to clear my browser's cache. Let's move on).
Best lines from answers to this question:
* To begin with, don't listen to your cat.
* Why would you murder your baby because your cat thinks it's a good idea?
* I'm sorry to say, and not trying to be mean or anything, but don't listen to an animals opinion.
* Lose the cat (or at least declaw it).
* But if you really love your fiance, as i think you do cause you said yes to marring him.
* My grandma's father's cat ate a bird my great-grandfather liked more.
* Cats generally know best...take the feline's advice and terminate asap.
* I think your cats needs to be put in her place! HER POLITICAL VIEWS ARE IRRELEVANT!
* Just let your cat perform the abortion.
* Source: degree in human behaviour; animal behaviour; and personal experience.
O, and don't worrying about answering this question yourself. It's resolved.
1 comment:
I can't decide how much I love the person who did the "HER POLITICAL REVIEWS ARE IRRELEVANT" answer, b/c I don't know if they were kidding or not either. What a conundrum.
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