
Exhibit 0.0.0

The End of Stock Photography Museum

Well, not exactly. But this blog will be moving to my new website: www.adampeterson.net. You can--and I hope do--subscribe here: http://adampeterson.net/blog/.

I won't be calling it Stock Photography Museum anymore, both because I haven't written about stock photography in a long, long time and because I don't know how to edit anything on that new site. Frankly, we'll all be lucky if I manage to post there at all. But I intend to keep this silly thing going with more and shorter posts than I've been able to do on SPM the last couple of years. I also hope to keep doing cricket rules and to get back to my on editing a novel series. We'll see how it goes.

In any case, the site is still under construction to a degree, but please go check it out and let me know what you think. Personally, I think Gene Morgan at Settlement Goods and Design did an amazing job and you should give him all your business.

(And I say that thinking you've got a lot of business because based on my blog stats if you're reading this you're some kind of Indian businessman with an interest in cricket).

Going to miss the old space, of course, and all the time I spent here when I should have been working. But it's time to move on.

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