
Exhibit 1.3.20

Fantasy Football

The Cal Drogo

This year's team name which is meaningless unless you've seen Game of Thrones. And even then...


Dave Madden said...

Adam, I love you, but this one's week. Is there still time?

A. Peterson said...

What? O, come on.

Well, it's possible I just have an unhealthy love of Drogo.

carlinthemarlin said...

Does this mean you have to cut your hair if you lose?

Dave Madden said...

I don't think fantasy football teams should be named after fantasy boyfriends, Adam. Trust me on this. The Alec Baldwinners hurt me, and they hurt me bad.

A. Peterson said...

Ha. I understand that, Dave, but you're not considering the 15 minutes I spent making that logo. I can't turn back now, not ever.

jimStock said...

Why have you not done a "stock broker rubbing his forehead and brow in agony from the day's big losses" collection, other than they are kind of the token stock photo. You might already have done so. They are thick right now. And hilarious.

Pete said...

I didn't watch Game of Thrones but I feel like I should kick you out of the league over this for some reason.