
Exhibit 20.5

If I Twittered My Opening the Door to My Room Here

2:31 - OMG! Finally here.

2:32 - Dude, there's totally a wasp in my room.

2:34 - @ Giant Black Wasp: Please don't hurt me.

2:40 - I think if I turn off all the lights, leave the door open, crawl in bed, it will be go.

2:52 - No.

2:53 - I think maybe the wasp and I will be able to live in peace if I just never turn on lights...

2:53 - ...or move more than arm's length from wall.

2:55 - Watched wasp killing video www.tinyurl.com/Wkcli3

2:59 - Wasp was also in room watching video. Wasp now knows everything.

3:02 - RT @ Harry Potter: I would have totally killed that wasp.

3:08 - Testing towel snapping skills. Wasp watches, amused.

4:01 - Ready to see if I can kill it.

4:02 - Not ready.

4:09 - Ready.

4:09 - OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! LOL! OMG!

4:10 - Wasp flew outside after towel snap.

4:13 - @ Giant Dead Black Wasp: You've been twittered, yo.

6:00 - Wasp is outside window. Can't leave for dinner. Will eat towel.

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