
Exhibit 11.1

Heather and I made more chocolate chip cookies.

(I know you're thinking that we live in some magical, cookie-filled paradise. You're mostly right).

Really we just had some standard chocolate chips lingering about and decided to give the old Tollhouse recipe a go to see if it could stand up to our adventures in Cookie-of-Record-approved deliciousness.

Um, no.

They weren't bad exactly. The first one even tasted great if only because their mediocrity made us think of how good cookies could be, sort of like how watching any other third baseman makes a person think of George Brett (no? just me?). Perhaps for the first few bites we were even able to fool ourselves into thinking the flat, sparsely chocolated discs were those other cookies.

In the end, tasteless crumbs stuck to the tears running past our mouths as we shouted recriminations.

Or maybe I'm just misremembering.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure that any cookie you make is better than a cookie that George Brett would make - his restaurant was not good.

Dusty said...

Sigh.... What happened to the glory days of this blog when you used to write about candy bars? This all-cookies-all-the-time format is really bringing the level of discourse down.

A. Peterson said...

How dare you, anonymous!

Next you'll be telling me that the omelets at Kevin Seitzer's bistro are rubbery and uninspired.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to be anonymous. The fries were COLD! Cold - that's right I said it.

carlinthemarlin said...

George Brett and Cold fries just seems, I don't know, to make sense. And that's not a slight on George Brett.

A. Peterson said...

J & C, if it's all the same to the two of you, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear about this and go back to believing that George Brett's fries are hot and delicious.

elisabeth said...

maybe you should bring some cookies over and watch anders's george brett video tape