
Exhibit 10.18

So some guy from Wisconsin also named Adam Peterson allegedly killed someone and has possibly killed two others. Jesus.

A few thoughts here:

1. Welcome Wisconsinites visiting from Google. I'm not that Adam Peterson. In case it wasn't clear from the last post, I wouldn't murder someone named Marino. Kiss someone named Marino? Maybe...

2. After getting knocked down a peg by this kid, I'm now the 109th most well-known Adam Peterson in the country. I think I'm behind an unusually personable tax account from Cleveland and the president of the Northwestern Michigan Orchid Society.

3. I've covered this before, but seriously, what's wrong with the Petersons? In the last three years alone we've killed more people than bird flu. Just once I'd like to turn on the news, hear about a murder, and not have to think, "Please don't be a Peterson. Please don't be a Peterson. Please don't...damn it!"

4. Why can't a Petersen kill someone to take the attention away? They're the ones that are really nuts.


julee said...

This sort of thing doesn't happen every day. It's like the whole Brazil Tuttle/Buttle thing gone to extremes. I just hope the government can keep all of you Petersens straight.

carlinthemarlin said...

Just remember...you'll always have All Day.

Anonymous said...

You know who can probably best Peterson's in murder statistics? Murders with the middle name Wayne. I truly hope that your middle initial isn't W.

A. Peterson said...

You know, when I first read that comment, I was actually a little sad that someone might best the Petersons in murder statistics. In fact, I've had a complete change of heart on this issue. Nobody kills like the Petersons.