
Exhibit 8.25

*Our work vending machine has added Burger King brand Ketchup and Fries potato chips. Or at least they have if you believe the definition of 'added' to be "caused incidental vomiting during previously unremarkable Rolos purchase with..."

*It has been raining for two straight days here in Lincoln which will be a pleasant memory when it's 100 degrees tomorrow through October.

*I'm actually all for the addition of fast food branded snack treats. If someone comes out with an Amigos brand Crispos chip, my life is pretty much set.

*Speaking of fast food, apparently McDonald's now has sweet tea which led to this exchange after seeing the commercial during 30 Rock:

Adam: Those evil bastards!
Heather: Are we going to have to start going to McDonald's now?
Adam: No.
Heather: I don't believe you.
Adam: Would a Filet-O-Fish change your mind?

*Heather is actually sick so we couldn't go to the reading last night but thoughts on The Pink Institution are coming up.

*In case it wasn't clear by this post, we've pretty much been in quarantine. You'd think I'd use that time to write my best man speech. Yeah, a person sure would think that.

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