
Exhibit 5.22

I love the idea that whenever the company that made my fortune cookie was thinking up Chinese words and phrases the English speaking public might need to know, they settled on a list of things like Thursday and cat and hello and DON'T!

I know it's not actually presented like that, but I'm going to just pretend it is anyway.

The Chinese: More and more of our citizens are purchasing automobiles.
Me: DON'T!

The Chinese: In 2047, we will gain complete political autonomy over Hong Kong.
Me: DON'T!

The Chinese: I'm thinking about getting a tattoo.
Me: DON'T!

The Chinese: Can I ask out your sister?
Me: DON'T! I mean, sure.

I can only hope tomorrow's fortune cookie will have an even better word. Maybe something like bludgeon or coma or spare me.

And mae yao hesitate to use my lucky numbers. I have a good feeling about 2.

1 comment:

Dusty said...

I take it as a warning, as though there's, like, an angel sitting on the shoulder of the fortune cookie eater who's all, "Yeah, maybe you can learn a little Chinese in case you need to use it," and but then there's also a devil on the other shoulder and he's all, "Not on your life!"