
Exhibit 8.4

In honor of Drake University having made the NCAA tournament, I plan on doing some comparisons between them and their first round opponent, Western Kentucky University because I'm pretty sure this hasn't gotten old yet.

School Motto
Veritas vs. The Spirit Makes the Master

Winner: Drake

Sorry, but there's something quasi-problematic about this whole spirit/master thing. It's not just the valuing of spirit--that's fine--but it's the priviledging of mastery as opposed to, say, decency. If Western Kentucky wants to fill the hills with a bunch of little Ayn Rands, that's their business.

Plus, it's in English when everyone knows that any motto should be in a dead language. (I'm looking at you, Nebraska).

Veritas wins easily.

1 comment:

Dusty said...

Veritas?!? That's Harvard's motto. I think Drake should lose simply from having stolen its.


(Pitt's motto? Veritas virtus. Not much better.)