
Exhibit 8.1

In honor of Drake University having made the NCAA tournament, I plan on doing some comparisons between them and their first round opponent, Western Kentucky University, because really, there's not a lot else going on that's holding my interest and I'm going wherever this bandwagon takes me.

Most Famous Alumni

Michael Emerson vs. Cordell Hull
Let's look more closely at this.

Hull: Secretary of State for FDR
Emerson: Ben on Lost

Hull: Good
Emerson: Evil

Hull: Boss was FDR
Emerson: Boss is "Jacob"

Hull: Credited with creation of the United Nations
Emerson: Has crush on Juliet

Hull: Longest serving secretary of state
Emerson: Killed his own father

Hull: Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Emerson: How does he get off the island? Seriously, I want to know.

Winner: Western Kentucky although Hull didn't actually graduate from there.

For the Hilltoppers, it was Hull or John Carpenter and even though Hull's connection to W. Kentucky is pretty tenuous--he went to their predeccessor school at the age of 15--I couldn't serve up the guy who made Escape from New York since he also didn't graduate from the school.

You may ask why I didn't pick someone who did graduate from Western Kentucky. Well, if I wanted to do that it would have either been the drummer from The Black Crowes or the guy who played Roy on Wings. I couldn't decide which of those two would be more famous, so I went with Hull.

For Drake, there's pretty much no question it's Emerson. Sure, they have plenty of governors, writers, and Billy Cundiffs, but you can't get better than playing Ben Linus. Drake's pool of accomplished alumni is far deeper, but it's hard to argue with the guy who was the Secretary of State during most of WWII and created the UN.

Reluctantly, Western Kentucky takes this one. Even though it's a tainted victory, I'm sure they're all standing on top of their hill waving towels. I sort of love them for that.

1 comment:

julee said...

Another cool vs would have been Michael Emerson as the possible jigsaw from the orig SAW vs John Carpenter. Same fun genre.