
Exhibit 4.3

This is what I've been working on while trying not to get sucked into a long project while ostensibly studying for the GRE-Lit. How watching Heroes fits into this plan I'm not sure.

The flasher makes French toast.

He makes it in his neighbor’s kitchen because the flasher doesn’t have bread or eggs or recipe or cinnamon or butter or confidence or skillet or honey or fork. His neighbor wakes at the smell and she makes coffee. It steams his sunglasses as they eat in the veranda.

The flasher thinks about Utah.

He can taste the dirt, hear the tall rocks, and punch the lake. Sometimes he thinks about New Mexico.

They're about a flasher. In case that wasn't clear.

1 comment:

christopher higgs said...

I remember one winter morning in Vegas when the guy on the radio said, "It's so cold out, the flashers on the strip are handing out Polaroids."