
Exhibit 2.9

Poetry Reading

I haven't, you know, read any yet, but my first two books of poetry are going to be:

Anne Carson Autobiography of Red
Christian Hawkey Citizen Of

Thanks to everyone who suggested a book. By which I mean Heather and Chris.

Just the moment I read these two I'll post some thoughts up here.


Anonymous said...

My website is so damn amazing I can't believe it.

Just don't go exoticizing me, now.

christopher higgs said...

Heather's website is complex.

Zachary Schomburg said...


Some other great books to start yr new life of reading poetry, if I may: Dorothea Lasky's AWE, Amanda Nadelberg's ISA THE TRUCK NAMED ISADORE, Michael Earl Craig's CAN YOU RELAX IN MY HOUSE, Tina Celona's SNIP SNIP, Adam Clay's THE WASH, Michael Robins' THE NEXT SETTLEMENT, Matthew Rohrer's A GREEN LIGHT, Brandon Downing's THE SHIRT WEAPON, ok my hands are starting to shake--I'm getting a little carried away.