
Exhibit 1.23

Heather and I watched about half of this version of the Beowulf story which seems to follow the poem pretty closely except in this one there is a witch for some reason. Oh, and Stellan Skarsgård hits himself in the head with a rock a lot. Plus, Grendel is just some hairy guy who has a kid. Oh, and he has a father who was murdered by the Danes so he has a reason to be pissed. Also, for some reason people spend half the movie talking in grunts.

Literally the first ten minutes of the movie is:

Grendel's Dad (Let's call him Dave): Urgh.
Grendel: Warlllll!
Dave: Unh, unh, arrrrr!
Stellan Skarsgård: Garrrl! (Kills Dave. Hits self with a rock a few times).
Sarah Polley: I'm a witch. Raaaaarg!

Otherwise it's exactly like the poem.

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